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Share My Lesson

Share my lesson is a free resource that is available to all teacher and PSRP's. For teachers, these resources can include free lesson plans, actvities, and videos that are alligned with the Common Core. You can also connect with a community of experienced educators for the sharing of ideas and suggestions. You can also contribute your own ideas and lesson plans to the website for the use of other teachers around the state. For PSRP's, can also receive a variety of ideas and strategies from colleagues around the world. These ideas and strategies consist of managing student behavior, understand and prevent bullying, assist students with special needs, and support students' health and well being. Share my lesson creates a community of persons with similar backgrounds and job experience to help provide sound strategies for bettering students. Share my lesson has a growing community of 1.2 million faculty and staff around the nation.

Sign up for the this resource:, There is no cost for this resource and the benefits for this tool will benefit everone in their career. 

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